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Video Interview: Pauline Burthwick's Inspiring Testimony of Teaching Hearing God's Voice Worldwide

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You will be blessed by this hour-long conversation with Pauline Burthwick, a lady I met 19 years ago at a conference here in the States. Pauline did not think God could use a woman to teach pastors around the world, but once she began journaling, God comissioned her to do just that.

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Deliverance in Uganda

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Pastor Eric Okello has founded several churches in Uganda. We gave him free access to all our electronic School of the Spirit courses a couple of years back and he plays them for his church and in the local schools and in mission outreaches. We have given additional support as we can. One of his ministries is casting unclean spirits out of severely demonized individuals, and converting witches to Christianity.

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Graduations Around the World Where Schools Utilize Revelation-Based Learning

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It is a great joy to see graduations from schools around the world that are utilizing our Christian Leadership University courses which offer revelation-based learning. Below are a few pictures from three such graduations which have been sent to me recently. We are so thrilled to partner with any institution which desires to share Spirit-anointed teaching!

You can partner with us in training missionaries in nations around the globe by becoming a monthly supporter of CWG MinistriesWorking together we become world-changers!

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Is This Anti-Christ Thing Blown Completely Out of Proportion?

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I mean, it is a big topic in the Bible, right? Why, the whole book of Revelation talks about the antichrist and the terrifying things he is going to do to the Church at the end of the age! But wait. Would you believe me if I told you the word “antichrist” does not appear even ONCE in the book of Revelation?

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Don’t Let Your House Be Blown Down In This Storm - BE FIERCE IN THE FRAY

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Weekend Roundup Aug 21 2021

We confess: Lord, You have placed within me a hunger for truth (2 Thess. 2:10). The truth sets me free (Jn. 8:32).  I fear God, love truth, and hate dishonest gain (Ex. 18:21). I will lead in the area God has assigned me to.

What is your assignment in this battle? Are you active in it? One of my assignments is to be a teacher who shares life-giving truths, which I do below.

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I Really Want to be Part of a Small Group that Is ANOINTED and LIFE-GIVING!

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When I began pastoring in the late 1970’s, we created small groups which met weekly for sharing, Bible study, prayer for personal needs, and fellowship. Everyone completed the assigned study during the week, and came to the meetings prepared to share what God had revealed to them during their meditation upon Scripture. We worked our way “Through the Bible” with a 2-year program. Years later, people have commented that this was the place they received their grounding in Scripture.

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Kingdom Emotions Release Kingdom Power

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Science has discovered that when my "relational circuits" are turned off, I will not succeed. I can’t grow, love, give or receive life. When I am judging rather than loving, people feel uncomfortable being around me and withdraw from the unpleasantness. Alone, I am stymied. The Bible adds to this the fact that I can’t experience the anointing of the Holy Spirit, have joy, health, or anything else God provides for me in His Kingdom. Jesus demonstrated that Kingdom power rides on the wave of Kingdom compassion (Matt. 14:14).

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